- Buhl, Boulle
- 1. мебель стиля "Булль"2. стиль Булль
English-Russian architecture dictionary. 2015.
English-Russian architecture dictionary. 2015.
Buhl — ia a decorative type of marquetry of patterned inlays of brass or tortoiseshell, or (occasionally) other materials, used on chiefly French furniture, from the 17th century. The word is the German spelling of Boulle and is used chiefly in American … Wikipedia
Boulle — (Boule, spr. buhl), André Charles, franz. Kunsttischler, geb. 1642 zu Paris, gest. das. 1732; Erfinder der Boullearbeiten, Marketerie in Metall, Schildkrot und verschiedenfarbigem Holz. – Vgl. Asselineau (1872) … Kleines Konversations-Lexikon
buhl — [bo͞ol] n. alt. sp. of BOULLE … English World dictionary
Boulle, André-Charles — or André Charles Boule born Nov. 11, 1642, Paris, Fr. died Feb. 29, 1732, Paris French cabinetmaker. After studying drawing, painting, and sculpture, he achieved fame as the most skillful furniture designer in Paris. In 1672 Louis XIV appointed… … Universalium
Boulle Marketerie — Der Begriff der Boullemarketerie, Boulletechnik beschreibt eine Technik aus dem Handwerk der Tischler, die Oberflächen hochwertiger Möbel und Kunstgegenstände zu veredeln. Der Begriff beinhaltet die zur Herstellung verwendete Technik der… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Boulle, André-Charles — (1642 1732) cabinetmaker André Boulle, who was born in Paris, developed as a furniture maker what would come to be known as the Buhl style of furniture inlay. In his early career, he worked for charles le brun and gained the patronage of… … France. A reference guide from Renaissance to the Present
buhl — n. (also boule, boulle) 1 pieces of brass, tortoiseshell, etc., cut to make a pattern and used as decorative inlays esp. on furniture. 2 work inlaid with buhl. 3 (attrib.) inlaid with buhl. Etymology: (buhl Germanized) f. A. C. Boule, Fr. wood… … Useful english dictionary
buhl — /boohl/, n. (often cap.) elaborate inlaid work of woods, metals, tortoiseshell, ivory, etc. Also, boule, boulle. Also called buhlwork /boohl werrk /, boulework, boullework. [1815 25; from Germanized form of F boulle or boule, named after A. C.… … Universalium
boulle — or buhl noun Etymology: André Charles Boulle died 1732 French cabinetmaker Date: 1823 inlaid decoration of tortoiseshell, yellow metal, and white metal in cabinetwork … New Collegiate Dictionary
boulle — [bu:l] (also buhl) noun brass, tortoiseshell, or other material used for inlaying furniture. Origin C19: from Fr. boule, from the name of the French cabinetmaker André Boulle … English new terms dictionary
boulle — or buhl [[t]bul[/t]] n. fur (sometimes cap.) elaborate inlaid work of tortoiseshell and brass or other metal on wood. Also called boulle•work [[t]ˈbulˌwɜrk[/t]] • Etymology: 1870–75; < F, after A. C. Boul(l)e (1642–1732), French cabinetmaker … From formal English to slang